The Negative Impact of Anxiety on Women’s Health

The Negative Impact of Anxiety on Women’s Health

Anxiety is a common mental health disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. While occasional feelings of anxiety are normal, chronic or severe anxiety can have a significant negative impact on health. From physical symptoms to hormonal imbalances and increased risk of other health conditions, anxiety can take a toll on various aspects of well-being.

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Understanding Fear of Emotions and Anxiety

Understanding Fear of Emotions and Anxiety

The fear of emotions refers to a psychological condition where individuals experience heightened anxiety and discomfort when faced with their emotions. Symptoms may include avoidance of emotional experiences, suppression of feelings, feeling overwhelmed and out of control when emotions arise. This fear could stem from various causes, such as traumatic experiences, cultural upbringing, or learnt behaviours.

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The Impact of Social Media on Anxiety

The Impact of Social Media on Anxiety

In today’s interconnected world, social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, transforming the way we communicate, share information and engage with the world around us. While it offers numerous benefits, the excessive use of social media platforms has raised concerns about its impact on mental health, specifically anxiety.

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Codependency and Anxiety

Codependency and Anxiety

Codependency is a complex and often misunderstood condition that can have a significant impact on an individual’s mental health. Codependent people tend to be overly reliant on others for their emotional well-being, often at the expense of their own needs. This can lead to high levels of anxiety, stress and even depression.

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The Impact of Social Isolation on Mood Disorders

The Impact of Social Isolation on Mood Disorders

Social isolation can have a profound impact on mood disorders, including anxiety and depression. Research has shown that individuals who experience social isolation are at a higher risk for developing anxiety and depression, and for those who already suffer from these conditions, social isolation can increase their symptoms.

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Childhood Trauma and Anxiety

Childhood Trauma and Anxiety

Anxiety is a common mental health issue that affects millions of people worldwide. It is manifested by excessive worry, fear, nervousness about future events, even thought there may be no immediate threat or danger. Childhood trauma is a significant risk factor for the development of anxiety disorders. According to research, children who experienced trauma are more likely to develop anxiety symptoms in adolescence and adulthood.

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Overthinking and Anxiety: Understanding the Connection

Overthinking and Anxiety: Understanding the Connection

Overthinking, the process of dwelling on thoughts and analysing them to an excessive degree, is a common experience for many people. Whilst some level of reflection can be helpful for problem-solving, overthinking can often lead to increased anxiety, stress and even depression.

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Substance Abuse Among People With a Psychiatric Disorder

Substance Abuse Among People With a Psychiatric Disorder

People with coexisting substance abuse and mental disorders have a greater tendency to get depressed, suicidal or violent. They are more vulnerable to hospitalisation.

Findings show that the initiation of substance use was mostly motivated by peer influence and the desire to “fit in”. It has been acknowledged that the role of peers has probably the strongest influence on adolescents in the initiation of substance use. The need for peer acceptance may be especially strong during a difficult time of adolescence.

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The concept of being “good enough”
Anxiety Self-Help ZB Anxiety Self-Help ZB

The concept of being “good enough”

Being imperfect is human. Striving towards perfection takes us further away from what is genuine and real. Our cultural structure promotes the hight pressure for perfection. Feeling of not being enough is rampant in our society that promotes competition, quick fix and continual progress taking away living an authentic life.

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Separation Anxiety

Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety (SA) can be experienced by anyone and at any age, when a needed/loved person is absent, however the roots of separation anxiety lie in infancy. How it is managed depends on the person’s mental structure and attachment history.

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